Social Distancing Neighborhood Egg Hunt

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Community Easter Egg Hunts are often much anticipated events in the spring for thousands of kids all over our country. With the Covid19 pandemic, candy is still on the shelves and eggs are left empty.

Here is one way that you can encourage your neighborhood to provide an egg hunt while still encouraging social distancing.  Even communities with “shelter in place” orders can still do this since those orders allow for residents to get outside and take a walk.

The idea is this….neighbors can “hide” plastic eggs in their front yard (making sure they are visible from the road) and/or can draw and color paper eggs to place in the windows. They will then put a sign on or near their mailboxes indicating they are participating in the hunt and will list the number of eggs in their yard/windows. There won’t be candy in this egg hunt, but hopefully there will be some fun for kids and adults alike!

Here’s a printable you can share with neighbors or just text them this link to come to this site for details:

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